New Falcon Press (Mike Miller, LACC) Removes & Changes Author Names in Christopher S. Hyatt's Black Book Volume III

New Falcon Publications, under the direction of CEO Mike Miller (former head coach of Los Angeles City College Men's Basketball), has made several changes to their edition of Black Book Volume 3, Part 2 GALT'S ARK: The Black Symphony, Second Movement.

These changes include:
  1. Removal of the name of the author and artist Mobius Frame from the front cover
  2. Removal of the name of the author and artist Mobius Frame from the title page
  3. Addition of a handwritten signature from the deceased author Christopher S. Hyatt on the title page, and a signature from the author Mobius Frame on the title page
  4. Removal of the name of the artist Mobius Frame from the picture of Cthulu on page 4
  5. Changing of the name of the author Mobius Frame to Carlos Boozer on page 8
  6. Changing of the name of the author Mobius Frame to Carlos Boozer on page 41
  7. Replacement of a genuine Christopher S. Hyatt quote with a purported Christopher S. Hyatt quote on page 64
  8. Addition of a purported Karl Marx quote to the back cover

What you see below is a side by side photographic comparison of Black Book Volume 3, Part 2 GALT'S ARK: The Black Symphony, Second Movement editions from both Original Falcon Press (Nick Tharcher), and New Falcon Publications (Mike Miller).

Removal of the name of the author and artist Mobius Frame from the front cover

Removal of the name of the author and artist Mobius Frame from the title page

Addition of a handwritten signature from the deceased author Christopher S. Hyatt on the title page, and a signature from the author Mobius Frame on the title page

Removal of the name of the artist Mobius Frame from the picture of Cthulu on page 4

Changing of the name of the author Mobius Frame to Carlos Boozer on page 8

Changing of the name of the author Mobius Frame to Carlos Boozer on page 41

Replacement of a genuine Christopher S. Hyatt quote with a purported Christopher S. Hyatt quote on page 64

Addition of a purported Karl Marx quote to the back cover